
Access to Internal Documents

As mentioned on the kick off meeting we (eScience@KU) provide a secure web based collaboration tool for the project.

The system underneath is called the Minimum intrusion Grid (MiG) and in fact this particular web page is just one of many features it provides.
You need a user account with associated user certificate in order to get access to the private components in the system.

We recommend importing our CA certificate in your browser up front by following this link to avoid security warnings later on.

You request an account and certificate by filling out the form at our certificate request page.

The form should be filled as described below, keeping in mind that fields are somewhat limited to ASCII characters. Please replace any accented letters with e.g. a sensible two-letter replacement.
Full Name: your full name
Organization: the name of your company
Email address: your work email address
State: (leave empty)
Two letter country-code: DK
Password and Verify password: make up a password repeat it
Comment: For TreeDFurniture (or similar text)

Finally click Send and wait for us to handle the request. Eventually you will receive an email with your certificate along with some technical information about MiG. Please note that our review and certificate signing procedure may take a while. The technical information in the mail is meant for students and researchers using the system for heavy calculations, so they may seem overly complicated. Don't worry too much about them, as we will generally stick with the collaboration tools that do not require a thorough understanding of the technical Grid details.

When you receive the email with your certificate attached in a zip file, you open the zip and import the cert.p12 file in in your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, ...). Instructions for this part depends on your particular browser but the most common ones are covered on our general help pages.

Don't hesitate to contact Jonas ( if you have any questions in relation to all this.

With your certificate imported in your browser you can enter the private project pages and e.g. upload material for defect classification.
